Sassy Mama Sweets – Southington GF Bakery
If you think you’ve had enough gluten-free cupcakes, think again. Sassy Mama Sweets in Southington has managed to turn our favorite treats up a notch…and we guarantee you’ll like this one!
Cupcake Flavors Galore at Southington GF Bakery!
At Sassy Mama Sweets, they make both traditional and gluten-free cakes and cupcakes. What sets them apart from the others is that the variety of flavors, fillings, and frostings, are quite literally endless. According to owners Lori Dibble and Alexis Sone, flavor choices are only limited by their customers’ imaginations, and the “boundaries created by the actual science of baking.”
Cake options include standard chocolate and vanilla, as well as coconut, champagne, mudslide, Corona and lime, and more. Fillings can be any kind of fruit, such as cinnamon apple, Prosecco-fruit, raspberries, or peaches. Not in the mood for fruit? You can fill your cake or cupcake with white chocolate, chocolate ganache, caramel, peanut butter, cannoli filling, and more. Wait, we’re not done! The buttercream frosting just might be the best frosting we’ve had. Like, ever. Not too sweet, but full of flavor, and they’ll jazz it up any way you like – fruit flavors, pumpkin, Amaretto, gluten-free Oreo, Nutella, peanut butter – the list goes on.
On the day we visited, they had gluten-free chocolate cupcakes on hand. We had them decorate one with peanut butter, one with raspberry, and WOW! Sassy Mama Sweets will do any kind of special order cake or cupcakes. They also make their own gluten-free caramel corn and Rice Krispie treats. They tend to stock more gluten-free options closer to the weekend, so keep this in mind when planning your trip, or call first. And tell them Gluten-Free Connecticut sent you!
*Sassy Mama Sweets is not a dedicated gluten-free facility. Please use your own judgement when eating out.