Got Celiac Kids? Get Connected!

Celiac Kids Connection is the best celiac kids resource in New England.  Based out of Boston Children’s Hospital, the Celiac Kids Connection (CKK) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a “networking community of support, education, and advocacy” for families with celiac kids, from birth through college.


Anyone, regardless of where they receive treatment, can join the group, and each new member is welcomed with a basket filled with gluten-free foods. And, take it form us, it’s worth the $35/year fee:

  • Quarterly member newsletter – Medial updates, recipes,  product news and more.
  • Events: Access to members-only events like the annual holiday party, which attracts members from all over the region.
  • Members-Only Facebook Group
  • Members-Only content on the CKC website, such as the “Celiac Kids Real Talk” videos, created by kids and teens just like yours. 


“Celiac Kids Real Talk” Image: CKC


But, most importantly, you’ll connect with parents like you, and your children will connect with kids like them. Outside of COVID, Celiac Kids Connection organizes both community educational events and members-only events, while members themselves organize more localized outings. All events have been virtual for 12 months, but they do expect in-person activities to resume soon.

So whether you’re struggling with infant formula or college cafeterias, Celiac Kids Connection can help. They’ve got experts, resources, events, and most of all, a community filled with folks who are just like you.

Click here to visit the Celiac Kids Connection website.


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